Villa La Paz Newsletters

Villa la Paz Newsletter September 2011

Trinity: Christian Theol. the union of the three divine persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) in one Godhead
Webster’s New World Dictionary
Third College Edition

The love of the one and triune God is manifested in the love between brothers and sisters.
John Climaco

To be immersed in the mystery of the Trinity is to be immersed in an eternal and boundless sea of love, for it is in and through an infinite knowledge of Himself and His perfection that the Father begets the Son, the Word of God, and from the mutual love and total selfgiving of the Father and Son to each other proceeds the Holy Spirit who seals the union of the Father and Son by being their substantial and living love. This community of three divine persons, this eternal dance of love between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit requires nothing outside of itself since by and of itself it is complete perfection, complete bliss. God only has need of Himself and His infinite perfection. He has no need for anything extrinsic to Himself, no need for creation. But because of this infinite and total love for each other the Trinity desired to share it with others, to bring other cognizant beings into the divine community to exist in the divine dance of love for all eternity. And so, in and through an act of love the universe was created and cognizant beings were engendered in the image and likeness of God. There is then, a unity, an interdependence to the universe since all its elements proceed from the same Source. We were all created for the same purpose, so that God can communicate to us the infinite, endless beatitude which has its source in the fullness of the Infinite Being.

Everyone was created and endowed with the same dignity, a dignity conferred by being a son and daughter of God. Everyone has an equal right to the necessities of life, but sadly, for most of the world those necessities, food, health care, an education, decent living accommodations are nonexistent or denied. No matter our titles, no matter our wealth, no matter our physical attributes we will all one day share in the life of the Trinity where finally only love and equality will exist.

Our children and the children of the world mirror the love of the Trinity. In their interaction with one another, in helping each other through the daily trials that life gives them, they become beacons of God’s love for one another. It is heartening to see them gather around a new child and introduce him to the home. This is what is meant by living the life of the Trinity: proffering an unconditional, all encompassing love among equals. They look beyond themselves and their physical ailments to help another. This impulse to succor one another is something that is inborn and natural to children. Perhaps that is why we are told that unless we become as little children we will not enter the kingdom of heaven.

We were created in the image of God, which is to say we were created to mirror the love of the Trinity by giving ourselves away, for life to give life, for mercy to give mercy, for compassion to give compassion, for peace to give peace, for love to give love.
Gerard Thomas Straub
Filed under: Reflections
Gerry Straub’s Blog
August 5, 2011

Jesus, you promised that whatever was done for the least was done for you. Give us the grace to be always ready to serve the needs of others and to extend the blessings of your kingdom over all the world, to your praise and glory, Amen.
St. Augustine of Hippo

God of justice, open our eyes to see you in the face of the poor. Open our ears to hear you in the cries of the exploited. Open our mouths to defend you in the public squares as well as in private deeds. Remind us that what we do to the least ones, we do to you, Amen.
U.S. Catholic Bishops

We thank you for your support of our children. We love you and wish you God’s peace.

One thought on “Villa la Paz Newsletter September 2011

  • carmen

    La hija de una amiga de Manchester New Hampshire estara viajando para mi lindo pais a su fundacion, muy pronto seguramente la pasara bien con su agradable compañia

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