Villa La Paz Newsletters

Villa la Paz Newsletter June 2014

Mercy: a disposition to forgive, pity or be kind; kind or compassionate treatment; relief of suffering; kindness in excess of what may be expected or demanded by fairness; forbearance and compassion
Webster’s New World Dictionary
Third College Edition

Unless we learn the meaning of mercy by exercising it towards others, we will never have any real knowledge of what it means to love Christ.
Thomas Merton

We must imitate God who stoops down in mercy to touch us. So we too must stoop down in mercy to touch others…. Gerard
Thomas Straub

How many times have we been shown mercy by our God and those we love and know? The answer, of course, is innumerable times. As God is love, God is mercy. His mercy is boundless and like His love it is unconditional, not related to the qualities or attributes of the person to whom mercy is granted. Without His mercy and compassion and the mercy and compassion of those we love and know what kind of a world would we live in? It would be a world without forgiveness, a world without love, a stark, brooding, foreboding world in which life, for most, would be unbearable. As the source of mercy and compassion God has shown us how to practice them. His life on earth was due to His mercy and love for us since the purpose of His earthly existence was to bring us out of the darkness of sin and into the light of grace. The gospels are replete with examples of His mercy towards the poor and the sick and we are enjoined to be His mercy and compassion on earth. God’s continuing mission on earth can only be accomplished through us. It is a daunting responsibility but one we must be faithful to. We have to become extensions of God’s heart and hands in the world of today and vessels of His compassionate love for others. When we stand before Him at the beginning of eternity hopefully we can say that we were faithful stewards of His mercy and compassion.

We have been called to love the world. And God loved the world so much that He gave Jesus to it. Today He loves the world so much that He gives you and me to the world to be His love, His compassion and His presence through our lives of prayer, sacrifice and self-surrender.
Saint Theresa of Calcutta

It can be difficult to see God’s love in our world when faced with violence, illness, and poverty, but God’s gracious presence is made manifest in our good works. In someway, it is up to each of us to bring the presence of God to our world.
Daniel Horan, OFM

Make us worthy, Lord to serve our brothers and sisters who live and die in poverty and hunger. Give them by our hands this day their daily bread, and by our understanding love give peace and joy. Amen
Pope Paul VI

And what of the children of the world? Those on these pages and millions of others suffer from the ravages of poverty and disease, from neglect and indifference. During His presence on earth God repeatedly manifested His concern and love for children and in so doing charged us with their care. We must be His mercy and compassion for these little ones. We must protect them, nurture them and insure their future.

Thank you for your compassion and support for our children. We love you and wish you God’s peace.

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